Britannica Animal Kingdom
Discover facts about animals through videos, photos, and fun learning materials.
This list provides access to each individual database or digital resource to which we subscribe. Please note that not all of these resources can be accessed by searching the library catalog: Databases Not Connected to Thrift Library Catalog (Primo).xlsx
You should be able to access each of these resources via your AU login. If you encounter problems with this, make sure you are logged out of all other school or university accounts.
Please complete and submit the Digital Resource Error form if you encounter issues with any of these resources.
Discover facts about animals through videos, photos, and fun learning materials.
An online learning platform in Spanish designed to enrich learning through interactive games, searches, videos, multimedia, maps, and more. (grades 6-12)
Interactive games and animated e-books to develop early literacy.
More than 50,000 images and videos for elementary and middle school students and teachers.
A reference resource that includes access to two homepages: Britannica Kids for children and young adults, and Britannica Reference Center for older students and adults.
A reference resource that includes articles, images, a dictionary, an atlas, and timelines all in Spanish.
A reference source including encyclopedia articles, magazines and journals, videos, maps, dictionary and thesaurus entries. Geared toward K-12 students.
Cultural reports on the countries of the world, US states and Canadian provinces. Supporting materials include a photo gallery, recipes, and biographies. You can view flags, maps, slideshows, national anthems, and video clips. (Grades 4-12.) (ProQuest)
For middle school students through adults. Collection includes Volumes 1-38 and is a guide to understanding the most studied plays. Features discussion and analysis of plays of all time periods, nations, and cultures. Includes discussions of themes, characters, critical overviews, plots, and historical context. Provides suggested readings on similar themes and topics, as well as classroom aides. (Gale)
100 full text curriculum-related magazines, newspaper and reference content. 25,000 images. (Grades K-5) (Gale In Context)
Search engine designed for elementary students and teachers. Provides access to magazines, newspapers, books, biographies, country reports, primary sources, video, and more. Teachers can find Curriculum Standards and Lesson Plans. (Ebsco)
A search engine designed for secondary school students and teachers. Includes magazines, newspapers, biographies, country reports, film, and video. Teachers can find Curriculum Standards and Lesson Plans. (Ebsco)
A search engine designed for middle school students and teachers. Teachers can find Curriculum Standards and Lesson Plans. (Ebsco)
An online encyclopedia containing over 25,000 records.
Offers authoritative content on the development of emerging green technologies and environmental and sustainability issues. (Grades K-College) (Gale)
Educational multimedia with 24/7 access for faculty, staff, and students that can be streamed or downloaded.
“Contains practice tests, eBooks, and tutorials designed to help users succeed on academic or licensing tests such as PRAXIS I and II, DAT, GMAT, GRE, MAT, MCAT, NCLEX RN, NCLEX PN and PCAT. Also provides tutorials for Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Careers and Computer Skills - and much, much more. You must create a personal account to use. (Grades K-College)”
This site provides full text from over 490 periodicals from 1990 on all topics with additional indexing and abstracts to 554 magazines from 1984. Includes CIA World Factbook; and Essential Documents in American History. (Grades 9-12) (Ebsco)
Contains full text for more than 150 popular middle school magazines and 131,000 full text biographies. All full text articles are assigned a reading level Lexile score. (Grades 6-9) (Ebsco)
Includes articles, images, and news articles for K-5 students, their teachers and parents studying the American economy, banking, and saving money. (Gale)
A great online resource for helping teachers, school librarians, and kids find the next great fiction read. Also provides access to information on over 30,500 nonfiction titles. (K-8) (Ebsco)
Another database designed to help users find the next great read. Contains information on over 260,000 fiction and nonfiction titles. (Ebsco)
For middle school students through adults. Collection includes Volumes 1-66 and is a guide to understanding novels from various cultures and time periods. Includes discussions of plot, characters, themes, critical overviews, and style as well as the work’s cultural and historical significance. Provides suggested readings on similar themes and topics, as well as classroom aides. (Gale)
More than 8,700 pro and con viewpoint articles and more than 4,700 topic overviews. This database also contains lesson plans, links to state standards, websites, statistics, primary sources, and teacher resources. (Grades 6-13) (Gale)
PebbleGo is a curricular content hub specifically designed for K-3 students. Packed with informational articles, ready-made activities, and literacy supports for students of all abilities, it boosts engagement and fosters independent learning in core subject areas. A new Science module has been added to Animals. PebbleGo is also available in Spanish. (Capstone)
For middle school students through adults, this collection includes Volumes 1-62 and is a guide to understanding the most studied poems. It features discussion and analysis of poems of all time periods, nations, and cultures and provides an overview of the poem and discussion of its principal themes, images, form, and construction. (Gale)
A full text database designed to provide a series of essays that present multiple sides of a current social issue. The database has more than 290 topics, each with an overview, point, counterpoint, and critical thinking guide. (Grades 6-12) (Ebsco)
Includes full-text of 60 popular elementary magazines, with reading level indicated. Abstracts from 100 more sources. Extensive image collection. Encyclopedia of Animals and General Encyclopedia included. (Grades K-6) (Ebsco)
For middle school students through adults, this collection includes Volumes 1-51 and is a guide to understanding the most studied short stories. It provides critical overviews of short stories from all cultures and time periods including discussions of plot, characters, themes, and structure as well as the story’s culture and historical significance. (Gale)
Explore South Carolina through StudySC! Learn about your community, South Carolina history, and the people who have made a significant impact on the state and the world.
Resources about children's and young adult books for readers and educators.
The collection targets grades 7-12
• Includes graphic novels, enhanced novels, eBooks, classic literature, National Geographic videos, educator resources, and audio books.
Contains full text for over 140,000 articles from nearly 260 diverse sources including international newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information. (Grades 5-12) (Ebsco)
A digital library of animated talking picture books, which has the added bonus of being accessible – 24/7 – from any device with an internet connection!
TumbleMath is the most comprehensive collection of math picture books you will find anywhere -All in the amazing TumbleBook format complete with animation and narration. TumbleMath has the most comprehensive collection of math stories available anywhere- all in our world famous TumbleBook format which combines animation, narration, and sound to create a compelling and enticing story book for students of all ages. The books are accompanied by supplementary materials such as lesson plans and quizzes. TumbleMath is a perfect complement and supplement to the math taught in school.
Real-Time Tutoring: 24 hours a day, seven days a week for English and Spanish speakers. Connect with a tutor on a variety of subjects, test prep assistance, or parent coaching. An account is not necessary to use this service. (Princeton Review)
Key facts and statistics, maps, videos, and more suitable for Grades 2-6. (Infobase)
Videos, key facts and statistics, science projects, and reference guides suitable for Grades 6-9. (Infobase)
Tools on how to write and research effectively, including a step-by-step guide to writing a good essay. Explores the fundamentals of writing and includes guides for research and documents, writing resources covering grammar, style, and research - suitable for middle school to adult. (Infobase)