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Reciprocal Borrowing

Atla* Reciprocal Borrowing Program

AU participates in the Atla Reciprocal Borrowing Program. All AU faculty, students, and staff have reciprocal access to the physical collections of participating libraries(link is external) (map(link is external)). To utilize this service, you must:

  • Have an account with the Thrift Library in good standing.
  • Show proof of current enrollment or employment at AU at the participating library(link is external).
  • Be informed about and abide by the rules and policies of the libraries you use. 
  • Return materials in a timely fashion according to the rules of the lending library.
  • Assume responsibility for all materials borrowed, including but not limited to payment for lost/damaged materials and overdue fines.

*Atla = American Theological Library Association

ACL Reciprocal Borrowing Program

AU participates in the Association of Christian Librarians (ACL) Reciprocal Borrowing Program. All AU faculty, students, and staff have reciprocal access to the physical collections of participating Christian academic libraries(link is external)

  1. You must first obtain a signed Authorization Form(link is external) from Thrift Library to receive borrowing privileges from a participating library. Download a copy of the form, complete your portion, and email it to sends email) for approval. Your completed form will be emailed back to you.
  2. You can then take the signed Authorization Form along with a photo ID to a participating library(link is external). Privileges and loan periods are determined by the lending library and may vary from those of the borrower’s home institution.