The authentic leadership theory acknowledges that leaders must advance their introspection to gain self-awareness, balanced processing, internal moral perspective, and relational transparency. Leaders may desire to lead effectively, yet modern leaders lack emotional intelligence, authenticity, and a vehicle to acquire (Northouse, 2019). Like authentic leadership, emotional intelligence is favored in leaders to include self-awareness, emotional management, empathy, and relationship management (Goleman, 1995). Much research surrounds emotionally intelligent competencies in leadership, but limited research targets behaviors for development. A look at psychology and counseling revealed that self-awareness, a standard competency in authentic leadership and emotional intelligence, is also the primary goal of professional counseling/psychotherapy (Guy, 2015). A purposeful confidential counseling relationship supports and encourages introspection to gain self-awareness, balanced processing, transparency, and empathy (Best, 2020; Lambert & Barley, 2001; Rogers, 1967). This qualitative participatory inquiry study explored how psychotherapy may meet authenticity challenges, emotional gaps, and leadership development through interviews with psychotherapists and leaders. (Baum et al., 2006; Moustakas, 1994; Norbert & Sauer, 2015; VanManen, 1990). Research revealed that an empathic, client-focused, and intentional psychotherapeutic relationship informs the goals of professional counseling, self-awareness, increased empathy, emotional regulation, and authenticity and are transferable to other relationships. The stigma of executive psychotherapy was explored, and professional help's role championed for well-being and leadership effectiveness. Future research may call for professional counseling to be corporately supported (Bloomberg & Volpe, 2019; Cresswell & Cresswell, 2018; Cresswell & Poth, 2018).
Professional Counseling/Psychotherapy and its Influence on Emotional Intelligence and Authentic Leadership Development: A Qualitative Participatory Inquiry Research Study
Broaddus, Jenny
Center for Leadership and Organizations
Year of Completion
Degree Awarded
Doctor of Philosophy
Committee Chair
Larde, Pamela
Counseling psychology
Educational leadership
Organizational behavior
Publication Date