This research study examined the relationship between school leadership style and the use of writing across the curriculum (WAC) in secondary classrooms. Writing practices and the use of writing as a form of assessment in subject areas other than ELA is thought to be a way to better prepare students to meet the literacy expectations of the 21st century. For writing practices to be integrated across the curriculum in secondary environments, school leadership support is essential. This study aimed to answer the following questions: How can school leaders in secondary educational settings support writing across the curriculum? What are the effects of writing on content area knowledge when used as a learning strategy in content areas across the curriculum? In secondary educational settings, is there a difference in how middle and high schools use WAC? This study used a qualitative case study analysis in the form of an open-ended questionnaire and semi-structured interview to gather data on school leadership style and the use of WAC. The participants are all from one district consisting of three middle schools and three high schools in a rural community in the Southeastern region of South Carolina. The data collected from this comparative-case study is comprised of data collected from administrators, instructional coaches, and teacher leaders. The data was evaluated, cataloged, and categorized to identify common terms and themes using grounded theory. Using a constant comparative method, the data was continually assessed which resulted in the identification of four clear factors in which the results are organized. Findings from this study provide information on the unique relationship between leadership and a teachers’ viewpoints and use of WAC practices.
The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Writing Across the Curriculum
Wright, Amie M.
College of Education
Year of Completion
Degree Awarded
Doctor of Education
Committee Chair
Strickland, Thomas Hunter
Educational tests & measurements
Secondary education
Publication Date